The Alabama Association of Accounts has partnered with Tax Help Centers to spotlight an excellent consumer financial educational book for pre and post retirees. Your Personal Financial Help Center: Special Retirement Edition is a resource that accountants and tax preparers can offer to their current tax clients, or to be used to attract new tax clients.
The book sells at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other book stores for $19.95. With AAOATP's partnership, members can receive this book for 50%-75% off. ($9.95 - $4.95/copy). Along with the discount, each accountant and tax preparer will get the following personally customized tax website marketing tool for the tax season.
Click here if you would like more details, or contact Bruce Sankin at 954-346-8585.
Coupon Code: AAOA
The book sells at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other book stores for $19.95. With AAOATP's partnership, members can receive this book for 50%-75% off. ($9.95 - $4.95/copy). Along with the discount, each accountant and tax preparer will get the following personally customized tax website marketing tool for the tax season.
Click here if you would like more details, or contact Bruce Sankin at 954-346-8585.
Coupon Code: AAOA